Monday, February 25, 2008

banner - Webopedia Daily Newsletter Network
Monday February 25, 2008

banner Term of the Day
Previous Terms-of-the-Day
Also referred to as a banner ad, a banner is a typically rectangular advertisement placed on a Web site either above, below or on the sides of the Web site's main content and is linked to the advertiser's own Web site. In the early days of the Internet, banners were ads with text and graphic images. Today, with technologies such as Flash, banners have gotten much more complex and can be ads with text, animated graphics and sound. Most commerce-related Web sites use banner ads.

See interstitial, hyperstitial and SUPERSTITIAL.

See "How Affiliate Marketing Works" in the "Did You Know..." section of Webopedia.

Also see, a directory of referral & affiliate programs for e-commerce, featuring information on over 6,500 affiliate programs.

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Related  Links
ECommerce-Guide is the source for e-commerce news, trends, product reviews, and how-tos for businesses running online or e-commerce sites and selling and marketing products and services. 
The Refer-It database lists thousands of programs offered by e-commerce vendors that share revenue with Website owners.

Webopedia's 'Did You Know... How Affiliate Marketing Works?' 
Affiliate marketing is the term used to describe a revenue-sharing plan where an online automated marketing program lets Webmasters place an advertiser's banner ads or buttons on their own Web site. Webmasters will receive a referral fee or commission from conversions when a customer has clicked the affiliate link and performs the desired action, such as make a purchase or opt-in for downloads or newsletters on the advertiser's site.



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