Thursday, March 20, 2008

Streaming Media World HTML Newsletter, Thu Mar 20 2008

Streaming Media World Network
Thursday March 20, 2008

Ingate Ups Ante on SIP/VoIP Security
Encryption, DoS attack protection, and intrusion detection make converged networks safer than ever. [March 20, 2008]

New Adobe Offering Gives Media Companies Greater Control Over Distribution
Adobe released the Flash Media Rights Management Server Wednesday, which lets content providers control both online and offline viewing, and also insert ads into Flash video content viewed offline. [March 19, 2008]

What's New at Spring VON 2008
This spring's edition of the venerable conference has expanded its horizons to cover "everything over IP." [March 19, 2008]

Final Cut Pro Audio, Part 2
The power of audio is often neglected by video editors who don't understand the basics of creating excellent sound. In this second part of a series, WebVideoUniverse shows you how to use panning and how to get the most out of Apple Soundtrack Pro. [March 18, 2008]

Objectworld Revamps Product Line to Broaden Market
Vendor creates product subsets to bring unified communications to customers that already have a PBX. [March 18, 2008]

Motorola Unveils New Telephony Strategy
Voice over WLAN initiative will bring voice and data connectivity to all enterprise workers. [March 17, 2008]

From the eBook Library: Navigating Your IT Career

A career in information technology usually has its share of
ups and downs. Download this eBook to learn
where the jobs are in IT, how to negotiate a salary, and
helpful advice on job security and how to deal with a layoff.
Join now to download!

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VoIPowering Your Office: Callweaver Forks Asterisk
Rather than swallowing it whole, as so many VoIP offerings do, Callweaver buildsand improvesupon Digium's offspring. [March 17, 2008]

Put UGC Video Anywhere: YouTube Expands APIs
As if YouTube weren't a big enough player in online video, it's now going to show up in a lot more places. Newly expanded APIs let developers incorporate YouTube content in surprising new ways. [March 14, 2008]

Zeacom Launches Communications Center Version 5.0
Combined call center/unified communications application extends presence, mobility, conferencing. [March 14, 2008]

Measuring the Light: A Guide for Beginners
You can't control the look and feel of your video without some understanding of light, and how to measure it. Look here for everything a beginner needs to know about light metering for digital video. [March 12, 2008]

AT&T Introduces Business in a Box
AT&T's new IP communications solution is targeted at small and medium businesses with 15 to 50 users. [March 12, 2008]

Episode, Squeeze, or Something Else? Choosing the Best Video Encoder
For people entering online video from a broadcast background, encoding your work can be the most confusing part. To help sort out the options, we're presenting this guide to the best encoding programs. [March 10, 2008]

Final Cut Pro Audio Tips, Part 1
You've made your video look as great as it can, but have you made it sound great, too? In the first of this two-part guide, we'll demystify audio terminology and show you how to easily clean up your video's sound. [March 7, 2008]

A Whole New Mobile VoIP Technology
Florida-based xG Technologies challenges the established mobile phone industry with a low-power alternative. [March 7, 2008]

Does Your Site Need to Add Video?
And, if so, is a video content provider right for you? There are several services around that let you add videos to an established site, but what do you get for your money? And do they create a better user experience? [March 6, 2008]



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