Friday, February 1, 2008 HTML Newsletter, Fri Feb 1 2008 Network
Friday February 1, 2008

Eloquent JavaScript
This is a comprehensive introduction to the JavaScript programming language. In addition, it also contains plenty of example programs, and a console to try them out and test them.

OnMouseOver Image Gallery
When the mouse moves over one of the thumbnails, the larger-sized picture area changes to the larger-sized picture that corresponds to that thumbnail. Easy to implement.

Type Text
Use this script to spell out a string of text, letter by letter. You can add to existing text, or replace it completely. You can even use it to repeat text, if you like. Easy to implement.

Array Creator
Coding large arrays can be a bit of a repetitive chore. This script will create a generator that will help speed up the process. Easy to use and implement!

Keycode Checker Tool - Disable
Use this function to disable certain keys. This essentially tells the page to cancel the last event, e.g. the pressing of that certain key.

How to Create a JavaScript Animation
JavaScript animations aren't difficult to write. Once you learn a few main ideas, you can create complex animations to display in your browser. Additionally, the content will be available to search engines because the content is in machine-readable (X)HTML.

From the eBook Library: Navigating Your IT Career

A career in information technology usually has its share of
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where the jobs are in IT, how to negotiate a salary, and
helpful advice on job security and how to deal with a layoff.
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How to Create Form Posts with Ajax
Now that Ajax is becoming a standard for handling interactions on the Web it's time to use it to update form submissions. In this article you'll learn how to create a reusable Ajax process for all forms. The source code and a working demo is included.

Universally Related Popup Menus AJAX Edition: Part 2
Last week we looked at a brief overview of Ajax, relevant JavaScript 1.3 enhancements, how to run the example and using the script within your own Web page. This week we look at additional functionality that you'd like to add to scripts and an in-depth explanation of the JavaScript code. By Rob Gravelle. 0130

JavaScript Sudoku Puzzle Solver
Sudoku, for the uninitiated, is a puzzle craze that has recently swept the globe, particularly in commuter circles. While I enjoy puzzles, I prefer to have the computer work it out for me. In this article I've created a small JavaScript application that allows users to enter the starting position of a Sudoku puzzle and then sit back and watch as the solution appears in front of them.

Universally Related Popup Menus AJAX Edition: Part 1
This week we look at a brief overview of AJAX, some relevant JavaScript 1.3 enhancements, how to run the example and using the script within your own Web page. By Rob Gravelle. 0123

Forum query: Firefox className problem
I had several problems with firefox, when I was designing online applications with lots of scripts. This time, I need to create a list of items that can be selected and "deleted", just like in the classic Yahoo! Mail. I used a table row for each item. The table rows have class="m_normal",...

Forum query: Help with a javascript script
Hi, here is my problem.... I have a script that change html code in an specific place of my webpage, i mean, i have several links, and when i click in one of them, the html code, change depending of the selected option. So my code is the next: <script type="text/javascript"> ...

Forum query: getElementByID giving error
Hello! I am trying to use the getElementByID and I've stripped it down as basic as I can and yet I still get "Object doesn't support this property or method" in IE 7. Here's my JavaScript: <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> function moveDiv(n)...

Forum query: Populate Form using PHP and JavaScript
I would like to populate a form with data based on what is selected from a pop-up menu. Using PHP, I fed all of the data in an array, but am having trouble feeding that data into the javascript side. I can't seem to use variables at all when referencing the data in the php array. Here is the...

Forum query: Accessing Scriplets Value Inside Javascirpt
Hi All, Is it possible to access the scriptlets value inside the Javascript. Actually, I want to enable/Disable the text box on the basis of Scriplet variable value. Thanks in Advance. Regards,



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