Tuesday, February 5, 2008

The Weekly Newsletter from ASPWire

ASPWire Newsletter #262
The Weekly Newsletter from ASPWire
ASP News and Information Source
http://aspwire.com/ ISSN: 1527-120X
Copyright 1999-2008 Jupitermedia Corporation
Tuesday, February 05, 2008

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Handling Large File Uploads in ASP.NET (1/28/2008)
[article] Anyone who has experience with ASP.NET knows, the
FileUpload control is often a savior and can also be an
enemy other times. One of the biggest problems with the
FileUpload control is getting it to handle large files which
are bigger than the default 4MB.

Improving ASP.NET User Interfaces with the AJAX Control
Toolkit and Silverlight (1/28/2008)
[article] There are many controls and extenders provided by
the AJAX Control Toolkit that can be used to enhance ASP.NET
user interfaces. The ValidatorCallout is used with the
existing validation controls to show a nice box with the
validation message that points to the field in error.

Creating Custom Label Controls (1/28/2008)
[article] This article looks at how to extend the label
control to make a more complex label control that is
reusable and more functional.

Creating an Online Exam Using LINQ to Classes Part 1 (1/28/2008)
[article] In this article I will use LINQ to Classes to
create an online exam. This is a multi-series article and in
this part I will discuss the architecture and the design of
the application.

Made to Stick (1/28/2008)
[new book] The authors do a great job at expanding on some
ideas on how to make ideas resonate and, well, stick with
your audience... This is a key skill for any Program Manager
needing to lead without authority.

HTML 5, the Dialog Tag, and Microformats (1/28/2008)
[article] A follow up post on my HTML 5 thoughts:
specifically how some of the new concepts can be implemented
today using microformats.

Professional Search Engine Optimization with ASP.NET (1/28/2008)
[new book] Professional Search Engine Optimization with
ASP.NET by Cristian Darie and Jaimie Sirovich (published by
Wrox) was, for me, an immensely interesting peek into how
modern-day search engines work, what crawlers do and do not
look for, and how to architect and organize your site to
leverage search engines to the fullest.

VintaSoftBarcode.NET Library 2.0 has been released (1/29/2008)
[update] VintaSoftBarcode.NET Library, an easiest way for
reading barcodes from your VB.NET, C# or ASP.NET
application. You can read all popular 1D barcodes. $119.95

Walkthrough: Building a Mobile Game in Visual Studio 2008
[article] The latest version of Microsoft Visual Studio
includes a lot of new treats for mobile developers. In
addition to new debugging tools and emulators, it includes
the Windows Mobile 5 SDK, .NET Compact Framework 3.5, and
SQL Server Compact Edition 3.5 out of the box, without
additional installs. This walkthrough gives you the code and
assets for a fully functional Hangman-style game called "W80
Words" (weighty words), which takes advantage of the new
platform and coding environment.

Ajax Control Toolkit - Part One (1/29/2008)
[article] A multipart series on the Ajax Control Toolkit.
This introductory part explores a few basic input helpers.

VS 2008 Web Deployment Project Support Released (1/29/2008)
[article] This past Friday we released the final RTW support
for VS 2008 Web Deployment projects. You can learn more
about it and download it for free here.

Senior Developers for ASP.NET and Silverlight Wanted! (1/29/2008)
[article] There has never been a more exciting time to be a
web developer! The pace of innovation in the web space is
amazing. Ajax, MVC, Dynamic Data, and Silverlight!

Dynamic GridView and DataList in ASP.NET 2.0 (1/29/2008)
[article] Sometimes we may be required to build GridView and
DataList dynamically with different styles and with child
controls in our project. This article will help you
accomplish this task in ASP.NET 2.0 with the help of a case
study. Satheesh first provides a brief overview of the
scenario and then explores the step-by-step implementation
of each module with supported source code. The steps include
creation of a Template class, implementation of a dynamic
DataList, using the Template class in DataList,
implementation of a dynamic GridView, and the usage of
Template class in GridView. The article is accompanied by
the related Visual Studio project which enables you to
instantly test drive the application.

What Visual Studio Developers Should Know About Crystal
Reports 2008 (1/29/2008)
[article] Crystal Reports 2008 was released in October 2007.
This article explains the ins and outs of the CR2008
versions, integration with VS versions, side-by-side
compatibility, upgrading reports and general features of
interest to Visual Studio Developers.

Logon Script to Send Email Notifications (1/29/2008)
[article] A forum member recently asked if there was any way
to receive email notification whenever users logged on
across the network. I responded that there was. Today I�m
going to show you how to create a network logon script that
will send an email notification whenever a user logs on.

ThinkGeo Releases New Map Suite Icon Library (1/29/2008)
[new] ThinkGeo, creators of Map Suite GIS components for
.NET developers, recently unveiled its Map Suite Icon
Library. Designed by the ThinkGeo team and offered royalty-
free, the icons are fresh, eye catching and professional,
mirroring design trends in the market. Icons include people,
places, symbols, vehicles and weather. $995

Keyoti release v3 of Search for ASP.NET (1/30/2008)
[update] Keyoti are pleased to release v3 of their Search
control for web applications, Search for ASP.NET. New
features include AJAX enabled auto complete of search terms
and preview search results without leaving the page. $250

Grounding This Jet Engine (1/30/2008)
[article] Buffer overflow again hits Microsoft's Jet
Database Engine. Plus: Monster.com goes down; bad SMS causes
big stink.

ASP.NET AJAX Design & Development Patterns at AJAX World
[article] AJAX is not about Eye Candy. AJAX is about
building functionality that is difficult or impossible with
conventional web development technology. Done right your web
applications ROCK, but it�s done wrong and your
infrastructure pays the price. This session will expose a
collection of design and usage patterns that will help you
understand ASP.NET AJAX under the covers and design
efficient, interactive AJAX Applications using Microsoft
ASP.NET AJAX Technologies.

The Digital Black Belt's Guide to Building Secure ASP.NET
AJAX Applications (1/30/2008)
[article] You think your ASP.NET AJAX application is secure,
but how do you know? Are you SURE? Would you bet your career
on it?

Using NHibernate as an ORM Solution for .NET (1/30/2008)
[article] In this article, David will discuss ORM concepts
and NHibernate's implementation of them. Also he will walk
you through several examples of NHibernate in use.

You can't domisticate a server! (1/30/2008)
[article] Someone just pointed me at this " Stay At Home
Servers " website. Y'all know I'm a big Windows Home Server
fan. Pretty solid geek humor, check it out!

How to disable optimizations when debugging Reference Source
[article] When you debug code in the .NET Framework using
the newly available Reference Source functionality in VS
2008 , you may notice that many variables are not available
for inspection.

ASP.NET MVC Example Application over Northwind with the
Entity Framework (1/30/2008)
[article] Over last month over the holidays, Lance Olson and
I spent some time porting Scott Gu's excellent MVC example
over the Entity Framework . I thought I'd share the results
here and get your thoughts\feedback.

Building a Simple Blog Engine with ASP.NET MVC and
LINQ - Part 2 (1/30/2008)
[article] In the second part of the article series about
ASP.NET MVC Framework, Keyvan adds controllers to his
blogging engine in order to describe how to use controllers
in ASP.NET MVC and discusses some details related to
controllers. He first discusses the concept of URL routing
patterns and then explores the anatomy of a controller
class. Finally, he examines how to implement the controllers
in his sample blog application.

Information Management for an ASP.NET AJAX Server-Centric
Based Online Shopping Website (1/30/2008)
[article] In this tenth part of an eleven-part series on
building your own online shopping website, we'll learn about
the information center. The information center in the
shopping city sample is mainly composed of three modules:
news management, notification management, and leaving words
management, which are all placed under the
"admin/Information" folder of the website. Let�s delve into
them, starting with the news management.

New Video on using Application Level Events in ASP.NET
[article] Learn how to create an Application Class File
(Global.asax) that contains application level event handlers
such as Application_Start and Application_BeginRequest in
this week's How Do I? video.

Understanding Single Sign-On in ASP.NET 2.0 (1/31/2008)
[article] In this article, Masoud discusses the concept of
Cross Application Authentication using ASP.NET
authentication model consisting of Membership Providers,
web.config configuration, encryption, and decryption of
configuration files.

Implementing the MVC Design Pattern in ASP.NET (1/31/2008)
[article] In this article, Joydip explains the basics of the
MVC design pattern, the advantages and the disadvantages of
it. He also examines how effectively we can decouple the
business logic layer of an application from the UI layer.
The article provides source code to illustrate the concepts
in C# with relevant explanation.

Working Around ASP.NET's HyperLink ImageUrl Bug (1/31/2008)
[article] If you develop software long enough, you'll
inevitably run into bugs in your platform or framework of
choice. It's important on those occasions that you know how
to apply the tools at your disposal to clarify the source of
the bug; reproduce it in a deterministic fashion; and either
fix the bug, avoid it altogether, or find the best possible

Microsoft Releases Service Pack 1 for .NET Framework 2.0
and 3.0 (1/31/2008)
[article] Last week, Microsoft quietly released .NET
Framework 2.0 Service Pack 1 and .NET Framework 3.0 Service
Pack 1. If your servers aren't configured to install updates
automatically, now might be a good time to check and make
sure you're up to date.

Developer's Notebook (1/31/2008)
[article] Softel vdm has released its SftTree/NET 2.0, a
combination of tree, listbox, and grid control for .NET.
Each cell can contain multiple items�text, images, buttons,
checkboxes, radio buttons, progress bars, and more. The
control includes support for Visual Studio 2008 and all its
supported languages (VB.NET, C#, C++) with Windows Forms.

Visual Studio 2008�s Impact on Asian Developers (2/1/2008)
[article] It has been 10 years since the arrival of Visual
Studio. Some of the salient benefits of Visual Studio 2008
are productivity, support for the latest platforms and team
development. Visual Studio 2008 delivers improved language
and data features that help developers in rapidly creating
modern software.

ASP.NET AJAX Design & Development Patterns at AJAX World
[article] AJAX is not about Eye Candy. AJAX is about
building functionality that is difficult or impossible with
conventional web development technology. Done right your web
applications ROCK, but it�s done wrong and your
infrastructure pays the price. This session will expose a
collection of design and usage patterns that will help you
understand ASP.NET AJAX under the covers and design
efficient, interactive AJAX Applications using Microsoft
ASP.NET AJAX Technologies.

Extending the DropDownList to Support Enums (2/1/2008)
[article] In this article, Steve demonstrates how to bind a
DropDownList to an Enum type, and then goes on to create a
generic EnumDropDownList control which will automatically
display any enum type's contents.

First Half 2008 Conference Speaking Schedule (2/1/2008)
[article] Well, I think I've got my schedule down for the
first half of this year. Here's what I've got so far.

CodeSnip: Selecting the nth Record from a Table Using Oracle
[article] In this code snippet, Deepankar examines the usage
of Oracle's ROWNUM keyword to select the nth row of a table.
It also deals with the other possible methods of selection
along with the risks involved in using them. The article
begins with a short introduction followed by relevant SQL
code with explanation and screenshots.

A Library of Self-validating Database-aware Input Controls
[article] Dr. Nadkarni presents a library of self-validating
database-aware input controls.

Designing N-Tiered Data Access Layer Using Datasets - Part 3
[article] The Dataset Editor in Visual Studio 2005 assists
in the design of a data entity structure and generates a set
of classes that meets the requirements of a good object
relation mapper (ORM). This article shows the code that
needs to be added to provide tier separation and how it can
easily be generated automatically.

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