hard disk drive Previous Terms-of-the-Day The mechanism that reads and writesdata on a hard disk. Hard disk drives (HDDs) for PCs generally have seek times of about 8 milliseconds or less. Many disk drives improve their performance through a technique called caching. There are several interfacestandards for passing data between a hard disk and a computer. The most common are IDE and SCSI.
Hard disk drives are sometimes called Winchester drives, Winchester being the name of one of the first popular hard disk drive technologies developed by IBM in 1973.
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Windrivers.com - device driver information A comprehensive resource for information about Windows 3.1, 95 and NT device drivers. Offers searchable categories for companies, products and FCC ID numbers as well as hard drive and memory specifications, and downloadable utilities.
Hard Disk Interfaces and Configuration Describes the different major interface standards currently used by hard disks (and other devices). Provides sections about the IDE/ATA and SCSI interfaces. This page is from "The PC Guide."
PC Guide's hard disk drive reference Offers a large amount of information covering construction and operation, geometry and formatting, performance factors, BIOS and size issues, interfaces, configuration and file systems.
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