Monday, March 10, 2008

HR Still Doesn't Get It

IT Career Planet

Earthweb Network
Monday March 10, 2008

HR Still Doesn’t Get It
By CIO Update Staff - March 7, 2008
While money is good, most employees are lured by flexibility and freedom.

Year Over Year Staffing Levels Constant
By CIO Update Staff - March 4, 2008
Some CIOs are hiring more but most are not.

Managing from Afar: The Secrets of Running Remote Teams
By Robert McGarvey - March 3, 2008
Ironically, managing remote workers today takes dedicated, persistent attention and a hand-offs approach.

Who Are Hiring Conditions Favoring?
By Katherine Spencer Lee - February 22, 2008
Well, put it this way writes CIOUpdate columnist Katherine Spencer Lee of Robert Half Technology, you can expect to pay more.

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Finding Skilled Staff Still a Major Concern
By CIO Update Staff - February 14, 2008
CIOs in larger firms have the hardest time finding talent.

Tech Salaries: The Good News (And the Bad)
By James Maguire - February 6, 2008
An early 2008 IT salary survey reveals a disquieting trend, but also offers a ray of sunshine for those with certain skills.

Restraint in the Face of Rising IT Salaries
By Jennifer Zaino - February 5, 2008
The need to pay market rates for in-demand IT skill sets is colliding with pressures to reduce costs as the economy slows.

Learning From Gamers
By Mike Elgan - January 24, 2008
By learning from video games in the development of your company's culture, your people will have more fun, they'll become more skilled and -- most importantly -- you'll PWN the competition.

Nicholas Carr: IT Departments Face Extinction
By James Maguire - January 14, 2008
The author of the provocative “Does IT Matter?” strikes again with a new book suggesting a radical reevaluation of IT’s future.

So You Want To Be An IT Consultant
By Rob England - January 17, 2008
For those with the right qualities and skills, IT consulting is indeed a lucrative career option.

The 2008 IT Salary Guide
By James Maguire - November 1, 2007
The IT Salary Guide lists salaries for many tech positions, including pay levels for various U.S. regions. Plus: salary incentives for specialty IT skill sets.

Soft Skills: The Sign of a Savvy IT Pro
By Katherine Spencer Lee - January 4, 2008
You’ve got the technical skills, but succeeding as an IT manager requires much more than that, writes CIOUpdate columnist Katherine Spencer Lee of Robert Half Technology.

From Bah-Humbug to Best Practices
By Michelle LaBrosse - January 3, 2008
Some personal motivation to make your New Year’s resolutions stick from PM Planet columnist Michelle LaBrosse of Cheetah Learning.

A CIO's Most Valuable Network
By Anne Zink - November 28, 2007
In a world where there's never enough time in the day, professional networking is one of the first things to fall off a CIO's list of to-do’s. Here's why that's a mistake, writes CIOUpdate columnist Anne Zink of AZ Tech.

How to Get a Good Night's Sleep
By Bruce Weinstein - December 27, 2007
Forget taking pills or counting sheep. Just make sure you can answer yes to five simple questions, writes CIOUpdate guest columnist Bruce Weinstein.

IT Outlook: Less Confidence, But Plenty of Opportunities
By Jennifer Zaino - December 26, 2007
While IT pros are showing some concern over prospects and the macroeconomic environment, IT staffing firms say it’s still a good time to be in IT.

Giving Them Hell: John Miano on the H-1B Visa
By James Maguire - December 5, 2007
A fierce advocate for the American software developer, John Miano fights the good fight against what he describes as the widespread practice of employers using low-cost foreign workers to depress U.S. tech wages.

Good CIOs Lead By Following
By Hank Marquis - November 20, 2007
Most IT job-related stress comes from a failure of those in IT management to build a trusted team and then follow the team’s advice.

For IT Process Owners, A Bright Future
By Michael LaChance - November 26, 2007
Process ownership is a significant career opportunity for mature and promising leaders in IT organizations. Here's why.



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