Thursday, March 13, 2008

Pain Advocacy Alert: Take Action NOW for Better Migraine Treatment!

SharePost Round Up March 13, 2008
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Do we want, need, and deserve better Migraine and headache treatments? Absolutely yes! Think there's nothing you can do? But there is! You can take five minutes to send an email to your Representative in the House of Representatives. It's easy and only takes about five minutes. The Alliance for Headache Disorders Advocacy site is set up for us to send an email to our Representative, even if we don't remember who he or she is.
Fibromyalgia Awareness Day is May 12. Is there a Chronic Pain Awareness Day? If not, let's make one!!! Let's see what we can do jointly to make everyone aware of these issues, not to mention Chronic Fatigue or M.E. Mostly there needs to be a Chronic Pain Awareness Day!!!!!!
I thought that I would let everyone who has been so supportive of me with my troubles with pain management clinics, doctors, and pain oh so much pain.I've reread and reread all the posts that you have all sent me and have learned a lot.1-talk to your doctor, see them as a person, not a demi-god2-listen to your body3-don't let the bad days fill your heart one day becomes two days, becomes a week, which
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