Thursday, March 6, 2008

Streaming Media World HTML Newsletter, Thu Mar 6 2008

Streaming Media World Network
Thursday March 6, 2008

Siemens Reinvents IP Communications
A new system architecture and expanded communications applications change the game. [March 4, 2008]

Practical Asterisk
ISP-Planet learned a few common sense lessons from a business-focused VoIP provider. [March 4, 2008]

Insider Secrets that Get Videos Noticed
You want traffic for your videos? We'll get you traffic. WebVideoUniverse spoke to a search engine optimization expert to learn five tips he uses to get videos premium Google placement in minutes. [March 3, 2008]

Review: Ibiza Rhapsody MP3 Player
The Wi-Fi capabilities are impressive, but the design and overall performance fall a little flat. [March 3, 2008]

VoIPowering Your Office: Reduce Hair Loss with VoIP Gateways
By cutting the local telco in on the action (leasing a gateway), you can both improve and simplify your VoIP service. [March 3, 2008]

Understand Video Viewing Habits: Forget the Averages
To get your videos watched, you need to understand how people are using online video. While previous studies showed high averages for online video watching, a new report shows the huge divide between heavy and light viewers. [February 29, 2008]

From the eBook Library: Navigating Your IT Career

A career in information technology usually has its share of
ups and downs. Download this eBook to learn
where the jobs are in IT, how to negotiate a salary, and
helpful advice on job security and how to deal with a layoff.
Join now to download!

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Giving Voice the Bandwidth it Needs
High-quality VoIP requires network priority. Now there's a tool that guarantees it. [February 29, 2008]

Answers from the Flash Guru: Solving Browser Incompatibility
Anyone can create a video podcast, but creating one that effectively communicates your brand and pulls in viewers is the real challenge. WebVideoUniverse spoke to an industry veteran to find out what makes an outstanding video podcast. [February 27, 2008]

3CX Solves SIP/NAT Woes for SMBs
The maker of Windows-based PBX software provides a solution for getting VoIP calls through network firewalls. [February 27, 2008]

VoIP Wholesale Provider Directory: Nuvio
The company, which has no direct sales force to compete with its partners, offers three levels of partnership programs for ISPs and WISPs. [February 27, 2008]

Create the Best Video Podcast for Your Business: 5 Tips
Anyone can create a video podcast, but creating one that effectively communicates your brand and pulls in viewers is the real challenge. We spoke to an industry veteran to find out what makes an outstanding video podcast. [February 25, 2008]

VoIPowering Your Office: PBX in a Flash Piles on the User-Friendliness
An already-very-good thing has just become notably better. [February 25, 2008]

Google Sets the Standard for Video Ads
Google expanded its video advertising options this week, not only giving advertisers new options for reaching video viewers, but also defining how advertising will function in this new medium. [February 22, 2008]

Software-Based Videoconferencing Goes High Definition
GIPS--whose VoiceEngine technology brought 3-D sound quality to Skype and GoogleTalk--releases software for inexpensive, multi-party HD video. [February 22, 2008]

Online Video Census: Men and Women Are Different
There have been several efforts to measure online video viewing habits, but now a true heavyweight has entered the arena. Nielsen has released the results of its first VideoCensus and found that men and women have drastically different viewing habits. [February 21, 2008]



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